Whether entering a new market, transitioning to value-based sales, or simply trying to maximize your current results,

key to success is identifying and developing the specific skills and behaviors needed to meet your objectives.

This is not hit-and-run training – Colleen ensures programs are tailored to meet your specific needs and is sales process and methodology agnostic. Colleen’s engaging delivery focuses on practical application so that participants can hit the ground running for immediate results. And a key part of all programs is reinforcement and accountability to ensure that new skills and behaviors stick. Contact Us for to discuss your objectives.

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Customized training reflecting your most acute needs.

Rather than delivering stale, cookie cutter solutions, Colleen instills the sales skills and behaviors that are most critical for your objectives – ensuring training time is spent on topics that deliver the biggest impact on results.

Engagements begin with determining the biggest opportunities to increase sales team performance. Spending time on areas of the sales process that will not yield significant performance improvements reduces the return on training investment. Instead, Colleen utilizes a variety of tools to determine where the biggest opportunities to improve results lie so that a training program can be designed to deliver those results.

Proven sales strategies for immediate implementation.

With her high-energy delivery and refreshing candor, Colleen delivers training that engages participants with easy-to-understand strategies and practical implementation tactics. Sales strategies presented are based on sound selling fundamentals and have been proven to work in today’s tough market. As important, Colleen details implementation steps using real examples and sales scripts. This ensures that implementation can begin immediately, literally upon return to the office.

We recognize that the specific way training is delivered depends on the nature and deployment of the sales team as well as real-life budget constraints. Accordingly, a combination of delivery mechanisms (live, web-based, self-paced, etc…) can be used to meet those constraints without compromising outcomes.


Reinforcement and accountability for long-lasting results.

With traditional hit-and-run training, participants often retreat to their comfort zone when they return to the office. To ensure that newly learned strategies are implemented, Colleen provides mechanisms for follow-up and accountability.

Follow-on sessions are scheduled with participants to discuss implementation, roadblocks and potentially additional training content that builds on previous skills and behaviors. In additional, separate follow-on with sales management provides a vehicle to discuss implementation from a sales-team perspective so that additional opportunities for performance improvements can be identified.