Warning – this is the most frank thing I’ve ever said to the Engage community. It comes after we launched a new offering last week, the Sales Accelerator program. It was designed to be accessible for everyone – both today’s and tomorrow’s sales leaders – with an early bird price under a hundred.
I received two different notes from sales reps saying they wanted to do it but their boss wouldn’t pay for it. It took me five minutes to cool down.
So here is my candid comment: if you want to succeed in sales, you have to take responsibility for your own success.
In the same way that you need to take responsibility for your sales targets, at the end of the day, no one else is responsible for your success. In my first ten years in sales, I spent $10K of my own money on development. Last year I spent $50K.
I’m not saying this to push you to my programs. There are lots of great resources out there to start. You can go to Amazon and pick up Jill Konrath’s “Selling to Big Companies” or Chet Holmes “The Ultimate Sales Machine”. Or go read sales articles on topsalesworld.com.
It is up to you. Not your boss. Not HR. You.
Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Colleen Francis
P.S. If you do want to learn more about my new program, you can go here: www.EngageSelling.com/accel. No matter what you do, do something.