Your Success is YOUR Success

I’ve been working this year on defining for myself – and for clients – what success means. In doing so, what I’ve discovered is that the most successful people define success in their own way, on their own terms, and then celebrate when they accomplish it. And here is the most important part:

Successful people do not define success relative to what others have achieved. They define success relative only to what they have achieved in alignment with their own goals.

When you stop comparing yourself to others and only celebrate the success you have defined for yourself, you truly feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness. Comparing yourself to others only creates resentment, bitterness and anxiety.

As my Mentor Alan Weiss loves to says “There is always a bigger boat”. And nowhere have I ever seen a better example of this than during a recent Million Dollar Club meeting I attended with Alan in Monaco this month. Check out the pictures of the Monaco Yacht club below and ask yourself:

“Do I really think that the owner of the first super Yacht (100ft) feels any less successful than the owners of the racing boats in the middle, or the 200 ft yacht in the last picture?



This week take the time to set some of your own goals for the rest of the year and make me a promise. When you hit them (and I know you will) go out and treat yourself like the success you already are!

Dedicated to making this your best year yet,


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