Colleen, Don’t Be a Victim!
How to Thrive and Prosper Right Now!
Profit from the Emerging New Economy with 4 Proven,
Cutting-Edge Steps for Attracting Clients!
My No-Cost Sales Stimulus Teleclass
It’s no secret that your customers are being more careful than ever when spending their money. I’ve had many calls over the last month from clients asking what they can do wait out this storm. Well, I’ve got bad news – if you’re waiting for customers to go back to their old spending ways, you’re in for a nasty surprise. This is reality that we’re all going to have to deal with for a long time – even after the markets rebound.
Just look at SUV sales – even though the price of gas is almost half of what it was just a few months ago, those gas guzzlers still aren’t selling and won’t be for a long, long time (if ever). Welcome to the new economy! (Luckily – my Harley gets really good mileage!)
The fact is that most sales professionals are using the same old fashioned sales techniques in this new economy. Are you one of them? Your prospects have grown increasingly immune to these conventional sales processes. Let’s face it: the landscape has changed. Have your selling skills changed to meet these new conditions?
To help you succeed in this new economy and introduce you to the new requirements for selling today, I have createda one-time teleclass – available to you at no charge!
Consider it Your Free Sales Stimulus!
Our Free Sales Stimulus Teleclass: The Four Steps You Must Take to Prosper in the New Economy will provide you with the 4 essential steps you must implement if you want to profit in today’s market.
Join me on Tuesday, November 25th at 12pm (Eastern), along with other sales professionals and small business owners ready to take on this new economy. To reserve your no-charge seat, just select my instant one-click registration link:
Still not convinced? Think you’re too busy? I know that our natural reaction when times are more challenging is to work harder. Instead, what we need to do is work smarter.
For the investment of an hour of your time, you will immediately gain an unfair advantage over your competition. You’ll be able to close sales almost as predictably as the sun rising and setting everyday… even in today’s market conditions! I’ve proven it time and time again with my clients and I know you can do it as well! And once you do, get ready for a sales explosion.
These are not simply band-aid tactics. Tactics are not enough to overcome this economy. Whether your are managing a sales team or looking for sales results yourself, this teleclass will deliver long lasting results. It’s not about mindset or attitude – it’s about concrete things you’ll use to make an immediate and lasting impact on your results.
I look forward to speaking with you at the teleclass.
Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Colleen Francis.
P. S. Remember, you’ll learn the four key steps you need to prosper in the new economy and see you results take off! Reserve your seat now: Sales Stimulus Teleclass
P. S. S. Know a co-worker or colleague that could benefit from this teleclass? Drop them a note and tell them to go to
Hi Colleen,
in some ways selling does change with altered economics and with innovation such as the Internet.
Yet, let’s remember we are always selling to PEOPLE.
People may be better educated by the Internet.
People may be more cautious if money is tight and business confidence is down.
But, let’s assume people still are smart enough to spot a good deal for themselves and we are good enough to facilitate.