Your Dashboard Needs this Metric

Your sales dashboard might tell a story, but is it the right one? Imagine if your dashboard actually prompted you to take the right action…

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There’s been a lot of talk these days about what a good sales dashboard looks like for an individual seller.
And there’s some baseline information that I think is really important that everybody has in their dashboard.
And that is key performance metrics to date, your activities, the opportunities created, maybe the value of those opportunities relative to goal.
And this is the key that most people forget when they’re creating their dashboards.
They have all of these great metrics that show them what they’re doing, but they’re not comparing it to where they need to be in order to hit their goal.
And the metrics without the relative success or failure to their goal for that month or quarter are useless.
So make sure when you’re building those reports as a sales rep or as a manager, or maybe your a sales engagement or sales operations person listening to this, that you always show the reports that say, here’s what the goal was and here’s what our result was.
That way, every month, the sales rep well, every week, every day the sales rep can gauge how they need to either course correct or stay the course.

Don’t forget to check out: How NOT to Sound Like the Competition”!

4 responses to “Your Dashboard Needs this Metric

  1. Absolutely agree with you on the importance of aligning sales metrics with individual goals. It’s not just about tracking activities but understanding where we stand in relation to our targets. Could you give me a tip on how do we effectively communicate these insights to sales teams to ensure they stay motivated and focused on hitting their goals?

  2. Considering the metrics highlighted in a sales dashboard for an individual seller, how would you prioritize your actions if you noticed a decline in the conversion rate but an increase in average order value? How might you adjust your sales strategy to address these trends effectively?

  3. Hi Colleen, great videos! It seems like your dashboard needs its own set of metrics to truly reflects it’s performance. Have you considered incorporating specific metrics for better insights

  4. It’s such a brilliant sells tip I have ever seen…as a MBA first year students I got some knowledge more about this topic and I got on opportunity to listen you…it’s really really very informative mam.. thank you so much for this much high value content

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