Thanksgiving has me thinking about all that I am thankful for:
- My health
- Chris’s health and our string marriage and business internship
- My family’s health and happiness and longevity. My living grandmother is 96 and my past grandmother died at 90
- In-laws that I love being around and I think actually enjoy me too….;-)
- The opportunity to live in both Ottawa and Miami Beach depending on the weather and what my spirit needs
- Our clients at Engage. I learn more from you than you do from me, everyday! Thanks for being part of this community.
- Casey. How could I do any of this without her?
- My Harley. The best stress relief medication there is
- Friends. Who else would put up with my endless sources of drama and stories?
- Conrad. Dogs understand people better than people understand people
- My nieces. They have encouraged me to do all the fun things I used to do as a kid
- Food. I love growing it, cooking it, eating and sharing with others. I am also thankful to all the amazing farmers and agronomists I work with
- My business coach Alan Weiss who keeps me from getting in my own way
- My mastermind group who call me on my
shitstuff - Chadd Barr who coaxes brilliant content from me in our pod cast interviews
- My support team – writers, editors, transcriptions designers etc
- The ladies at Sales Shebang who are making the world better and safer for all sellers and buyers world wide!
- My writing partner Steven Gaffney on Honesty Sells – and Wiley for publishing the book!
- The great bureaus who support and promote our work
- My 96 year old Granny who has proven to me that with a strong mind you can learn grow and thrive at any age!
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone and make sure you celebrate with those you are Thankful for!