What are your ideas for prospecting?

If you find prospecting for NET NEW business always slips to the bottom of your “To Do” list, here are 10 tips to help you ensure your sales funnel is consistently full of leads:

1. Set a goal for the number of networking events you will attend each month, and the number of new people you’d like to meet at each event.

2. Reward yourself for closing new business…
3. Take a look at your current Pivotal Database for new leads.

4. Check out on-line directories for associations in your territory 

5. Make a habit of having lunch, coffee or breakfast with at least one new person each week when you are on the road in your territory.

6. Use articles for publishing in relevant on-line or print publications your prospects might read.
7. Volunteer to speak at trade shows and conferences…

8. Join the trade associations or organizations your clients and prospects belong to in your territories.

9. Sending snail mail mailings to prospects complete with relevant items of interest.

10. Ask your current customers for referrals.

I would love to hear your ideas for prospecting new business as I am sure there are 100’s of ways to find net new business.  Submit your comments below to help us build a comprehensive list!