Using LinkedIn to Breakthrough and Win | Sales Strategies

I want to share with you a real-life success story from one of my clients in the oil and gas industry. He started to embrace non-traditional, social, and remote selling in ways he never had before.

In particular, the technique he utilized caused him to win a piece of business that was five times the average of his normal sales. And he accomplished that by simply utilizing LinkedIn. He started following one of the prospects as well as a number of the key decision makers and influencers in that company. He also started watching the videos they were posting about their organization. He then sent emails to those various decision makers and influencers he connected with in LinkedIn, mentioning he had been watching their videos and had ideas to help in the areas the videos highlighted. He was immediately asked for a meeting.

They spent half an hour discussing the videos, what it was doing for the company, and how he could help them improve those areas. He asked a lot of deep, open-ended questions and, after 30 minutes, he secured the next appointment—an appointment where they would talk more about implementing a whole new set of solutions and products for their team.

Ultimately, after two more meetings, this resulted in a sale five times his average. More importantly, indeed, this was all started because a traditional door-knocking and cold-calling salesperson took the initiative to look up company information and do some research online. Why? Because he wasn’t able to make those cold calls anymore.

Embrace new online and virtual selling techniques in order to accelerate your sales and create a non-stop sales boom.

4 responses to “Using LinkedIn to Breakthrough and Win | Sales Strategies

  1. One thing I’ve learned, recently, is that you can teach old dogs new tricks. I’ been in sales for 38 years, and I’m getting more and more into social media.
    Thanks for the tips.

  2. Collen yes congatulation to him for success.
    Post Covid -19 more businesses will use online techniques. Not only exciting but cost effective too.
    Beware of hackers who cheat you with brand names.Was trapped under Roots Canada name that led me somewhere in China.
    Linkedin Canada is safe.

  3. […] Using LinkedIn to Breakthrough and Win (Colleen Francis of Engage Selling Solutions) […]

  4. How to Prepare for Your First Remote Prospect Meeting | Sales Strategies | The Sales Leader says:

    […] importantly, that was all indeed a result of his thorough online preparation, enabling him to be acutely aware of everything the company was doing so he could have the right […]

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