Two Strategies for Immediate Inside Sales Growth | Sales Strategies

Recently, I was on a sales call and the sales directors that I talked to had some interesting things to say that I want to share with you.

There were a couple of things that we talked about during our call. First, their inside sales team is spending at least 70% of their time taking in orders and servicing the customer, which means they’re not selling as often as they could be and thus, not growing. What they need to do is turn every one of their service calls into a sales call. How do you do that? Ask them questions such as “what else are you working on that we can help you with?”

[bctt tweet=”This question alone will result in an increase in sales since the customer is already in buying mode.” username=”EngageColleen”]

This is in line with what sales teams need to do: servicing the customer, not servicing the order. Once you have this mindset of putting the customer first, you’re on track to accelerating your sales.

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