I received a note from my friend Jim Micklos the other day. Jim helps companies with incentive programs and had some interesting thoughts on how companies can thrive in this market place. I thought I would share his message with you in case anyone wanted to reach out to Jim.
If you’re wondering what to do in these difficult times, there’s good reason. For the most part, the U. S. economy has been robust for the past thirty years. Most of us haven’t seen anything like these current conditions during our careers. There’s no road map, and the “experts” can’t even agree on how bad it is or where it’s going next.
Clients and prospects we’ve talked to over the past few months seem to fall into three categories. Roughly 60% are mired in a “cutback” mentality: slash expenses, take no chances, sit tight and ride it out. Another 20% are confused and not sure what to do: Should they spend money? On what? What’s safe? Those two groups run the risk of fading in futility as they hunker in their bunkers, searching for someone to point the way.
The 20% who have proven themselves to be smart, opportunistic leaders don’t have time to worry and wait. They know that “riding it out” leads to only one destination…OUT! They recognize a down economy as an opportunity in disguise. They know that these tough times, coupled with the paralysis and confusion their competitors suffer, are really a chance to reverse the erosion of sales and profit by capturing market share. They are positioning their companies for exceptional growth when all the dust settles.
If you’re in that select group, or you want to be, MEI can help.
You don’t have to cut prices, giving away revenue you don’t have yet and lowering the value of your product. Instead, MEI maybe able to help you energize your sales team, distributors and/or dealers. Together they can focus your team on targeted activities that will maximize revenue from current accounts and capture new customers from the competition. Best of all, in this blizzard of belt-tightening, MEI can show you how to reap the real benefits of your efforts before incurring the majority of the expense.
Even better, it will cost you nothing more than a little of your time to find out how. A brief meeting will enable them to determine if there’s a good fit between your companies. They’ll follow that with a clear proposal of our custom solution to your performance improvement needs. They’ll create a program that will make sense to you and give you a financial model you can take to your CFO to win their support. MEI can provide exactly the guidance and support you need based on an investment/return scenario that will make your decision easy.
MEI clients tell them they provide extraordinary, demonstrable results and measurable ROI. I think you should take advantage of their offer to see how they can help. I loke what Jim says “We don’t claim we’ll fix everything. But we can sure help a lot.”
Contact Jim www.meiweb.com Ph: (847) 839-5512 jmicklos@meiweb.com
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