Three Testimonial Must-Haves

RefreshJan7When we receive positive testimonials from clients, it might seem difficult to ever find fault with them.

After all, if they’re saying something positive, it has to be a good thing, right?

The truth is, there are three vital components that make an effective testimonial. Without all three of these important elements, the testimonial may actually repel potential clients from working with you.

Curious to know what these three important keys are? Your testimonial must be credible, current and compelling. When all three of these elements are present, the testimonial is most likely to convince prospective clients that you’re the real deal.


Ensure your source is relevant, and from an industry that is similar to your core customer base. If your testimonial comes from an irrelevant or less than credible source, it damages your credibility as well. <– Click To Tweet


Also make sure that the testimonial is fresh, recent and pervasive. If you’re still flashing around a 10 year old testimonial from a business that shut down years ago, it does very little in solidifying your own abilities.


A testimonial does little good if it doesn’t outline a specific gain that the client obtained by working with you. A tangible and measurable benefit should be outlined in the testimonial for maximum effectiveness.

If a client is prepared to present a testimonial to you, chances are you’ve done something well! Unfortunately, unless the testimonial is credible, current and compelling, you risk creating a negative light for yourself in the eyes of the prospect.