This video is a rally cry for business sales and marketing execs to stop the endless cycle of strategizing and start implementing. Let’s cut through the clutter and get straight to what turns sales plans into closed deals.
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When it comes to your sales success and creating more of it, there’s really only one thing that matters, and that is execution or implementation.
You can read a lot of books, you can work with a coach, you can sit in workshops, you can be trained on your product, you can gather testimonials, you can get referrals.
But if you don’t actually execute, if you don’t make the change, you will never be a success.
And that’s why I think it’s so important for your manager to be holding coaching sessions with you where they hold you to account.
Whether it’s in your group sales meetings or one on one coaching.
Raising your hand and saying, this is what I will take forward, this is what I will do differently.
Committing to yourself, writing it down and actually trying it in the field.
Using different language, trying a different approach, asking a different question.
Those are the things that are going to drive success.
So I was recently coaching someone in a live environment with their position
on a sale that they were stuck on.
And we walked through 4 or 5 different strategies that they agreed would be the right strategies to get it moving.
When they went back to the office, the senior leader asked how it went, and the sales manager and the sales rep said, we decided that that was all the wrong approach and so we did nothing.
Guess what? It’s now three months later, sale still isn’t closed.
Implementation is all the matters.
Don’t give lip service to making a change.
If you’ve got a deal that stuck, actually make the change and see if it works.
If it doesn’t, you can course correct and try something else.
But doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result is never going to drive sales success.
Don’t forget to check out: Ready to Close 30% More?!