One of the shifts we’re noticing in today’s marketplace involves the move to inside sales. Field sales reps are doing more inside sales than ever before. So, those of us who used to go out and visit clients in person are now having to do more and more work on an inside basis.
During the heart of the pandemic, I know everybody was selling inside because we couldn’t go out to see our customers. However, even now, as many places have recovered and many businesses have reopened, we’re still seeing this move to inside sales. Why is that?
Why the Move to Inside Sales? Downsizing
We’re still seeing this transition to inside sales because many of our customers have downsized their facilities and don’t even have headquarters. In fact, one of my biggest customers just announced the sale of their headquarters, giving their employees a chance to relocate or work from home.
Inside Sales: Profits and Efficiency
Moreover, smart sales leaders have realized that there is a lot of profit in having their sales team stay home more often, make calls, and have virtual meetings. Why? We’re 25% more efficient on the phone, there are less travel expenses, and we can get more done overall.
The smartest sellers I’m working with are constantly looking to enhance their inside sales skills—even if they’re technically an outside salesperson. This means upgrading their equipment, being even better on video, making sure their audio quality is strong, and taking online presentation classes to really ensure they’re effectively engaging their audiences in a virtual environment. I encourage you to do the same!
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