The Key to Social Media Selling

Social media can be a lead-generation powerhouse if you play it right. The name of the game? Consistency and ubiquity. Here’s how…

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Here is one take I have on social media, and that is if you really want it to be effective as a lead generation and an engagement tool, you’ve got to be consistent and you’ve got to be ubiquitous.
So what does that mean? Well, first of all, it means you need to be on all the platforms your customers are on. Right.
I was dragged kicking and screaming on TikTok because I didn’t think that all of our customers were paying attention until I saw that all of our customers had large presence on TikTok, so can’t afford to be not there.
So I’m here.
Don’t always like it, but I have to be here because my customers are here.
Now that could be you on LinkedIn or Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest or Threads.
I’m not going to tell you which are the right ones for you.
You have to decide based on where your customers are objectively.
And then you have to be heard above the noise.
So ubiquitous means you’ve got to be posting on a regular basis.
Far too often I see sales reps make maybe once a week posts.
It’s nowhere near enough to be heard above all of the other noise that your customers are following.
Once a day is better, but if I had to be honest, it’s got to be multiple times a day.
Now, I’d before you revolt, it’s not big posts or unique blogs or 15 paragraphs of unique content multiple times a day.
What I’d like to see you do is post something of value once a day on all the platforms.
Now that could be a re post from something your marketing department has pushed out.
Or it could be a quote.
Or it could be something you’ve shared from another customer.
Or it could be a success story or a win, right? You don’t have to create that content, but you should curate it from somewhere.
I also want you to once a day comment on someone else’s post.
I want you to connect with someone, reach out to a prospect, once a day.
I also want you to share or like.
So what I’m suggesting is that you be active using multiple types of engagement multiple times a day.
That’s what’s going to help your posts bubble to the surface.
It’s going to help you be seen and recognized by more people.
And it’s going to help other people be attracted to you.
Often people are complaining that they have no one following them so what’s the point? Well, no one’s following you because you’re not active.
The more active you are, the more followers you get.
The more engagement you get, the more potential customers you get.

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