The Fastest Way to More Sales

Want more sales? Of course you do.

When you ask the typical seller how to create more sales, the mantra is generally to work harder, to grind more, or to double or triple the current efforts.

But, the opposite might actually be true. Reducing your labor may just be the fastest way to create greater sales results.

That’s right.

Instead of pushing the “work harder” slogan in front of your team, why not get them to work smarter instead?Here are three ways your sales team can reduce their labor while still increasing their sales:

1. Store Everything in One Place

I can’t tell you the number of sellers I see that take notes for a third of their accounts on paper, the other third on their iPad and then the rest on their laptop or computer. Even on their computer or iPad, everything is saved with an ambiguous name, in random folders, buried on a desktop with thousands of irrelevant files.

Guess how much time sellers like this waste just organizing their materials or trying to find notes?

Store everything in one place, with an easy-to-reference formatting for file names so you’re not wasting half the day doing detective work with your own documents.

2. Confirm Proposals Before Sending

Never send a proposal based on assumptions or a vague understanding of the prospect’s needs. Hours are wasted each day by sellers who revise and then re-revise proposals because they didn’t do a good job of understanding the prospect. You should get a verbal confirmation of specific details that the proposal will comprise of as well as a real propensity of the contact moving forward.

Get your proposals right the first time.

3. Always Present Options Proposals

This ties closely into the last point, but don’t present a one-size-fits-all proposal. Based on the contact’s needs, ensure you’re presenting different options, so that a client who may not like option 1 may find option 2 or 3 appealing, rather than deleting the proposal and asking to connect with you again to discuss alternative options. Or, even worse, have them decide to give your competition a call instead.

There you have it. Three quick ways to reduce your labor, shorten the sales process and still get more sales.

What’s one other way you reduce labor and work smart?

Let me help you by providing tactical feedback on how to address your greatest business challenges and dramatically improve your results along the way. Learn more here.

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