The Biggest Reason You Don’t Get the Sale | Sales Strategies

You can sometimes learn a lot from your dog. I have a relatively new puppy at home and there’s one thing I noticed about her that all salespeople can learn from: you’ve got to ask for what you want.

Indeed, the biggest reason salespeople don’t get the sale is because they never ask for it.

Every single time you’re in a position to finalize an opportunity, simply ask. Ask such questions like:

  • Where should we go from here?
  • What would you like to do next?
  • Are you ready to order today?
  • Can we write this up for you?
  • What do we need to do to get started?

If you catch your sales rep not asking for the business, then jump in and ask for them. If you don’t ask, you are not going to get. Ask for what you want and you’ll always receive what you’re looking for.

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