Even the Best Sellers Need a Referral Refresher | Sales Strategies

I was surprised when one of the clients I’ve been working with for close to 10 years asked me to discuss referral selling for a sales roundtable I was going to facilitate for them. I was surprised because this client is exceptional at what they do: millions of dollars in services and their top salespeople are constantly hitting records.


Are You Giving Up Too Soon? | Sales Strategies

I recently spoke with a couple of high-performing salespeople about the various accounts we were managing. And one of them told me that he had been calling a particular customer for ten years before he finally got the break he needed to win their business. During one of his sales calls, he realized that he wasn’t just calling a single shop. In actuality, they had 120 locations.


The Truth About Gatekeepers

There's a truth about gatekeepers that you need to be thinking about. Namely, that you create them. You read that right. You're creating your own gatekeepers.

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Why Top Performers Are Team Sellers | Sales Strategies

   I’ve been working with organizations to help them understand what their internal best practices are for selling and what behaviours are really driving top performance. And one of the central themes being noted by top performers across multiple organizations is team selling.


Leverage Top Performers at Your Next Sales Meeting | Sales Strategies

   Here’s an idea for all of you planning your sales kickoffs or big sales meetings with all of your team present: rather than just having a number of outsiders come in and talk about their motivational, sales, or consulting principles, have somebody come in and interview your top performers.

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