Is Your Sales Team Missing this Key Ingredient?

It really has been a crazy few months here at Engage Selling. Working with so many different clients in such a short span really opens your eyes to new ideas, strategies and insights. I'm always open to embracing fresh new thinking! With that in mind, I want to share with you an important point which I believe is currently eluding many sales leaders and executives when it comes to building, growing and managing their sales team - and in turn, it's hurting their overall sales results. "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein This quote is crucial to your continued success as a sales leader. When you're dealing with issues and problems with your sales results, are you trying anything new? Are you trying to find fresh perspectives, thinking and solutions to the issues, or are you using the same kind of approach which may have lead to the problems in the first place?

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Better Sleep Means a Better Sales Leader

Your health and wellness are important factors to consider if you want to increase your sales. As you know, it’s tough to focus and get things done when you’re stressed or working on a lack of sleep! You might think nobody else notices your sleep deprivation and stress, but I promise your team can tell when their leader is feeling off! Due to this, it’s so important to focus on you just as much as you focus on your sales team and your business. When you’re staying in noisy hotel rooms, working late or pulling all-nighters, you must make an active effort to stay grounded and ensure that you’re not neglecting yourself for the sake of your team and your business! Remember, a sales team is only as good as their leader!

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Are You Spring Cleaning?

If you own a dog, you know how muddy they get in April. Conrad (our dog) definitely gets his fair share of spring cleaning baths. The good news? Spring brings about new opportunities and fresh beginnings. For example, while April means muddier dogs, it also means many more opportunities for them to get outside and exercise. Let's face it, winter can severely limit their time outdoors. It's also probably why "spring cleaning" exists in the first place. We seem to emulate nature and if the great outdoors are starting fresh, why can't we? It's important to take time to declutter your home, make space for new things and add that "fresh" feeling to your living space. But, are you taking the time to "spring clean" your sales as well? As we start a new quarter, it's as good a time as any to declutter anything that is blocking your sales success.

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Is There a Secret Sales Force?

As a leader, you must manage your sales force to maximize sales and create growing results month after month and year after year. Here at Engage Selling Solutions, we have volumes of work dedicated to maximizing your sales force's efficiency. From prospecting rituals to time management, our material covers every angle when it comes to increasing your numbers via your sales force. As much time as we dedicate to maximizing you and your team, there is actually a "secret" sales force that many leaders simply do not put to use. This "secret" force is easy to gather and put together, given you provide great service. 

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