Separate Yourself From The Rest!

What are you currently doing to separate yourself from other salespeople? I don’t recommend locking yourself in a room and working through your days without any interaction with your colleagues, but I do recommend taking steps to truly differentiate yourself and stand out from the pack. If you want to be the best, you must do things that mediocre salespeople are not willing to do. It often takes more effort, but what you will gain from going the extra mile is invaluable. When you show up to work and do exactly what everyone else is doing, you will achieve the same results that they are achieving. When you make the extra effort, you create extraordinary results and make more sales. It’s not just about your sales results. When you stand out from the crowd, you are more likely to move up in your company and receive more opportunities within your own business. Regardless of the industry you’re in, people always respect and admire hard working individuals. Here are a few steps you can take to separate yourself from other sales professionals:

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Break Out Of The Slump!

Have you noticed a recent downward trend in your sales? Has one bad month turned into two, three or four more in a row? Do you feel as though strategies that were once efficient and successful are now yielding poor results? Let’s face it - sales results can sometimes fluctuate due to external factors. While some salespeople will blame and accept these external factors and allow them to control their destinies, the successful sales leader will find ways to break out of a slump regardless of other variables. If you’ve been experiencing disappointing numbers for an extended period of time, it’s time to regroup and focus on rebuilding prosperity. <-- Click To Tweet Here are many ways you can increase sales to help you break out of a slump:

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Attitude Is The Key

Are you keeping a positive attitude in your day-to-day interactions? The outlook you have on your career and life has a direct impact on how successful you will become. ← Click To Tweet Those with a positive mental attitude tend to have more positive interactions and are easier to communicate with. People with negative attitudes tend to push clients, prospects, and colleagues away. Nobody wants to associate themselves with toxic people! A toxic attitude can easily spread across an entire team and sales force. When this happens, sales start to suffer! Trust me, if you’re feeling deflated, angry or frustrated, your team and your clients will be able to tell. Here are a few tips you can easily implement to maintain a positive attitude and environment at work:

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The Perfect Sales Process

“How do I build the perfect sales cycle or the perfect sales process?” If you find yourself asking this question, you may be in for a dissapointment when you hear my answer. I’m often asked questions like this and while I wish I could provide better news, there’s no such thing as the perfect sales process. You simply can’t build or replicate a perfect system to unleash on your entire market and be guaranteed success. The truth is, the best advice for a salesperson who wants to create the “perfect” sales process is to simply make their processes more flexible. ← Click To Tweet As you know, every sale is different. Every client has their own needs and desires and each product has their own features and benefits. Because of this, there is no static sales process that can be used to accommodate the plethora of different requirements in your market. However, there are steps you can take to increase your chances for success with your sales processes:

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Creating Profitable Sales Days

Your success is created by small daily efforts. While you likely won’t make or break your success on any given day, a series of successful days will result in positive sales results in the long run and a series of unsuccessful days will likely result in less than pleasing results. Therefore, it’s essential that you show up to work each day with a sense of purpose. Dedicate time at the start of your work day to make prospecting calls. To ensure that you maximize your chances for success, here are 8 steps you can take to increase your productivity and your results when making your calls:

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Don’t Slow Down!

There are two types of salespeople. Some salespeople slow down in the face of adversity, and others use the crisis to motivate themselves to push harder towards their goals. “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.” I absolutely love that quote by Will Rogers. It’s a reminder that you must always be taking action if you want to reach success. You may have excellent product knowledge and exceptional communication skills, but if you’re not making use of your time, you will be “run over” by your competition. They will find a way to achieve better results even if they are considerably less talented than you. This philosophy is especially true in the sales world.

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If At First You Don’t Succeed…

You may periodically see images on my Facebook page or my website of me with my Harley Davidson. Especially with the weather warming up, it’s just about time for me to take my bike out of the garage and start riding again. It’s more than just the thrill of riding a motorcycle that gets me excited. I originally failed my first motorcycle exam and became discouraged. After passing the exam in my second attempt, there is a sense of triumph every time I hop on my bike. With another motorcycle season just around the bend, I can’t help but connect the parallels between motorcycles and sales (are you surprised?). With my particular situation, I was able to learn two lessons that you can implement in your sales strategy.

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