Put a Stop to Overselling!

It goes without saying, but sales can be one of the most stressful professions out there, period. Your sales team is constantly feeling the pressure of hitting targets, keeping clients happy, ensuring the delivery of what was promised, and the list goes on. There can, as a result, be a natural tendency for sales professionals to "oversell" in an attempt to close more deals and hit their targets.

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Your Team Doesn’t Care About Your Goals | Sales Strategies

Sales leaders ask me all the time about how to make their sales team take accountability, or hold them accountable, for the set goals. I have to remind them that it's very hard for anyone to want to be accountable for someone else's goals.


What Sellers Can Learn from Japan | Sales Strategies

I recently got back from a vacation in Japan and from that experience, I started to think about why I love going there in the first place. What draws me there? What sales lessons can we learn?


Is This Fear Sabotaging Your Success?

This common error costs more sales than most sales leaders are willing to admit. Here's the thing, you could possess the most talented sales team in the world, equipped with sales reps who know how to ask the right questions, overcome objections, negotiate effectively and it will still do you no good if these reps don't ask for the sale. Why then, are so many sales leaders being nonchalant about the fear of asking for the sale? This doesn't have to be a matter of intimidation!

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What Day is Your Coaching Day? | Sales Strategies

I've always been a fan of coaching sales reps on a given day. I love it when you have a consistent date and time where you coach your entire team one-on-one. However, managers often come up to me and say, "Colleen, it's exhausting." While it can be exhausting, it can also be exhilarating.


The #1 Reason Your Sales Aren’t Growing | Sales Strategies

I get called in a lot to help companies grow their sales and whenever a company is not growing the way they want or not hitting their sales targets, I take a look at the pipeline because I know it is the #1 reason why people aren't growing their sales.


Sales Turnover is Hurting Your Growth

Turnover, specifically sales rep turnover hurts your business. How do I know this? I've worked with clients who have suffered some devastating losses because of sales rep turnover.

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Don’t Plan, Learn by Doing

Last year, I was at an extended leadership team meeting for one of my best clients.  We introduced a quick concept to his sales managers around account management and proper account planning.

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