The Perfect Solution Presentation

Ultimately, your clients are looking for solutions to their obstacles or problems. The perfect solution presentation follows a series of steps to help facilitate this. You never want to present solutions to a client without being strategic!

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Accepting Lost Deals | Sales Strategies

I was working with a CEO and his management team recently and the CEO said, "If you're batting 300, you would be in the hall of fame." It was a great reminder to salespeople that we don't win all the business.


Don’t Overlook this Talent Source | Sales Strategies

I've been working a lot with sales managers over the past few months and interestingly, we've been talking about recruiting, retention, motivation, and top performance. They all have one thing in common.


5 Steps to Reduce Turnover | Sales Strategies

Recently, I've been doing a lot of research with our clients and a lot of reading on sales turnover rates because it's impossible to create a non-stop sales boom if you have high turnover.


Don’t Mess with People’s Pay | Sales Strategies

Recently on my LinkedIn page, we've been having an interesting discussion on compensation plans. Over the course of my career as a consultant, I've met two or three sales leaders who like to have compensation plans that "keep their salespeople guessing" because they think it "keeps them on their toes."


How to Enhance Your Client Retention Success

Do you ever feel as though you're not doing quite enough for your clients? You've delivered everything that you promised to deliver, and the client seems to be happy with the services and products you have provided them. Still, you just can't shake this feeling that not enough is being offered to them by you and your team.

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Things Clients Notice That You Don’t

Are you blind to the major turnoffs you may be exhibiting to your clients and prospects? Look, your clients will tell you if they think your service is no longer of value to them or if they received poor customer service from one of your reps.

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Act Fast – Get the Win | Sales Strategies

Last month, I was working with a client who told me that a core group of their targeted market was interested in speed because whoever gets there the fastest will win the business, regardless of price.

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