More People Than You Think Are Involved | Sales Strategies

When I facilitate a workshop with a group of sellers, we inevitably start talking about all the different ways that you can communicate with clients. There's social media, email, Zoom, Skype, Abobe, etc. All of these virtual tools allow you to communicate more broadly and effectively with your clients.


Confidence: How to Build It in 3 Easy Steps | Sales Strategies

Last week, we talked about being nice, staying focused and getting to work and I mentioned that being nice was so important because people do business with people that are motivated, successful and happy. One of the ways that we can show that in our business is to be confident.


How to Answer “How Much?” | Sales Strategies

Today, we're going to talk about value and specifically selling value instead of price. If I had to guess, 75% of the times that I'm in front of an audience, the salespeople say, "My clients don't care about value. They only care about price and they're just driving us down to this race of zero margins."


Top Sellers Don’t Need to be Team Players | Sales Strategies

Many sales managers are complaining about their top sellers because they're not team players. It goes without saying that top sellers have to be acting in a legal, moral, and ethical manner at all times. We also want them to get along with people, but they don't need them to be team players.


Two Overlooked Uses for Testimonials | Sales Tips

Our team spends a lot of time working with our clients on compelling value propositions and client testimonials. There are two ways to use client testimonials that are often overlooked that I think are some of the most powerful uses of this type of content.

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