Pick Up The Pen!

Believe it or not, the answer to more sales could be as simple as picking up a pen. That’s right, you may simply need to write a letter to a prospect or a decision maker in order to get a response. What I've been noticing about the top sellers and sales teams is that they are not afraid to approach prospects with old fashioned direct mail...that means actually shipping something via the post office!

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Surround Yourself With Success

Do you want to be successful? Alright - that was obviously a rhetorical question. Since I know you want to be successful, it’s imperative that you surround yourself with success. You’re probably familiar with the following quote: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you want to be a successful salesperson, you must do your best to learn from and work with successful salespeople. If you’re learning tips and strategies from poor salespeople, you’re not going to achieve great results. If you don’t currently work with any sellers who are creating positive results, branch out and meet successful salespeople via networking events, conferences and trade shows. The idea is to surround yourself and learn from successful (not mediocre) people. It doesn’t stop at your immediate network. Here are a few steps you can take to create a success mindset so you can create a prosperous sales career:

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Separate Yourself From The Rest!

What are you currently doing to separate yourself from other salespeople? I don’t recommend locking yourself in a room and working through your days without any interaction with your colleagues, but I do recommend taking steps to truly differentiate yourself and stand out from the pack. If you want to be the best, you must do things that mediocre salespeople are not willing to do. It often takes more effort, but what you will gain from going the extra mile is invaluable. When you show up to work and do exactly what everyone else is doing, you will achieve the same results that they are achieving. When you make the extra effort, you create extraordinary results and make more sales. It’s not just about your sales results. When you stand out from the crowd, you are more likely to move up in your company and receive more opportunities within your own business. Regardless of the industry you’re in, people always respect and admire hard working individuals. Here are a few steps you can take to separate yourself from other sales professionals:

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Make Yourself Interesting!

It goes without saying, but the more interesting you are, the more clients and prospects will want to engage with you. To be clear, being interesting doesn’t simply mean having the best stories on a Monday morning after a busy weekend. But, you don’t have to start jumping out of airplanes or start setting world records to be interesting. Being interesting is about connecting with interesting people, having interesting ideas and most importantly...being interested in others. If we aren’t showing interest in others, we are eliminating a great opportunity for people to find us interesting because interest is reciprocal.  The more interested you are in others, the more interesting you are to others. The more interesting you are to others, the more they will buy from you and stay loyal. <-- Click To Tweet

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3 Questions, 3 Answers

The best way for you to receive answers is to ask questions! The more knowledge you possess, the better your chances of achieving consistent success with your sales! The following three questions are often asked by salespeople. These answers will provide you with the information you need to take yourself to greater heights. 1. How can I prove to my manager that I am worthy of a promotion?

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