Three Key Self Assessment Questions | Sales Strategies
One thing that I know all top performers have in common is that they're really good at self-assessing such as asking questions on what they did well on.
WatchOne thing that I know all top performers have in common is that they're really good at self-assessing such as asking questions on what they did well on.
WatchI've been working a lot with sales managers over the past few months and interestingly, we've been talking about recruiting, retention, motivation, and top performance. They all have one thing in common.
WatchWe're finding that buyers are limiting contact with sellers to manage their time. In fact, Jill Konrath put it best when she said, "buyers are busy and long-term planning is sometimes only a few weeks."
WatchLast month, I was working with a client who told me that a core group of their targeted market was interested in speed because whoever gets there the fastest will win the business, regardless of price.
WatchThere's an expression floating around these days that I love: corporate promiscuity. What exactly is that and how does it relate to us as sales leaders?
WatchI have been thinking a lot about pipeline building recently, specifically, a sales rep requirement to not only look short term at the deals within their pipeline that they should be closing, but also to look into the future in order to build the pipeline that they need to close business in the first place.
WatchIt is common for me to get questions like, "How do I get my sellers to reach their sales goals?" Here's my answer.
WatchIn my community, there is a very big named sales trainer who came out during a presentation recently and said, "Your job as a sales rep is to push your value proposition hard and often enough until the customer either buys or walks."
WatchYou know and I know that content is king when it comes to B2B selling. Therefore, it doesn't surprise me that a recent study from Curata shows that 71% of companies are investing in content for their marketing and sales teams in order to attract new customers.
WatchI'm doing some research on my new book, Right on the Money, and I found a study from Serious Decisions that said that 67% of all buying is done digitally.