Are You Making Your First Impression Count?

You only have a few seconds to make a positive first impression on someone. Let’s face it - within moments of meeting another person we have often already determined whether or not we want to work with them. Here are, what I believe to be, extremely simple steps to creating trust upon meeting someone new: 1) You must look and act like someone who is ready to do business. ← Click to Tweet 2) Then, it’s important to behave in such a way that generates positive feelings in the other person. Doing so will get that person to like you. 3) Once they like you, your continued behaviors will determine whether or not they will trust you. When they trust you, they will often do business with you. Sounds easy, right? Apparently not.

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What’s In It for Your Sales Team?

"How do I get my sales team to buy into our corporate objectives?" Are you asking yourself a similar question? I hear it come up often, so if you're asking it to yourself, you're not alone! Aligning individual objectives with corporate objectives can be an intimidating obstacle to overcome. Contrary to popular belief, your team isn't simply going to do just what you want. The individuals on your team are motivated by their own interests, goals and objectives. <-- Click to Tweet If you read that last sentence carefully, you'll find the answer you're seeking. Let me explain.

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