Two business people talking, highlighting the role of an insider and partner.

Your Client Wants an Insider – Not a Partner

There isn't a buzzword out there today that's more dated than the notion of you being in "partnership" with your client. The fact that it's still used so irritatingly often in business today should give you serious pause.

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3 Ways to Win Big with Generosity

"How can I sell more?" I hear that question a lot from salespeople everywhere. More often than not, it's framed around a false assumption: the belief that you need to get more to sell more.

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Time to Put a Stop to Buyer Objections

Time to Put a Stop to Buyer Objections

It’s a friction point that holds you back from achieving sales success: buyer objections. If left unchecked, those objections will stop you dead in your tracks from being able to present a compelling proposal to your prospective customer. And that puts you at risk of landing fewer deals. The more objections a buyer has, the more likely it is you have a fact-finding mission on your hands.

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3 Truths about Selling to People

If you travel a lot with work—as I do—it exposes you to a much wider variety of ways that people experience the world around them. But travelling can also make us keen observers of human beings and how they do business with each other.

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