Business people pulling rope, highlighting idea of employee retention.

Always Be Retaining!

I don't know a single sales leader who finds hiring great new talent to be particularly easy. So, what's the solution?

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Person holding a lightbulb, highlighting the power of change.

The Power of Change

Are you harnessing the power of change? Change is often associated with pain, discomfort, and all sorts of other negative feelings. But, it can actually be the biggest driver of success in your sales.

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An Important Sales Alignment

You need to get familiar with this important sales alignment. Did you know that customers that receive exceptional customer service are 86% more likely to reorder than those who have a subpar experience?

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Don’t Make Everyone Your Customer

Some sellers (erroneously) believe that they should be attempting to sell to anyone and everyone. This is, counterintuitively to some, an excellent recipe to create a disaster.

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