Putting a Stop to Delayed Deals Is Your Job” is locked Putting a Stop to Delayed Deals Is Your Job

Putting a Stop to Delayed Deals Is Your Job

We all know that sellers must close more deals in less time to achieve professional success. However, these days, too many skilled salespeople are struggling with deals that are stuck in what seems like perpetual limbo.

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Selling in Tomorrow’s Landscape

The world has changed and sales has changed. Throughout the past several months, since the dawn of the pandemic, I've shared countless resources, ideas, and tips on succeeding in this new landscape.

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Selling During COVID-19: How to Be a Video Master | Sales Strategies

In today's selling environment, we're using video more than ever before. And in some markets, video is the only way we can engage in face-to-face interaction with our customers. While I'm not going to delve into the specific platform or camera you should be utilizing, I do want to provide you with tips that are going to help you as a salesperson create more engagement with your customers.
