How Will You Use Your Extra Day?

This year, we've been blessed with an extra day! That's right, because "February 29" shows up on this year's calendar, we have an extra 24 hours to speed up, catch up or to simply use as a way to rest and recharge. Chances are, most sales leaders won't look at their time this way. They won't even acknowledge that they have an extra day this year, or if they do, they'll underestimate what they can accomplish in a day. So, what exactly can you do with the extra day you've been given this year? Here are 16 ideas inspired by my work with the top performers inside the Engage Community:

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13 Important Facts About Your Customers

It’s one thing to provide a great product or service, but unfortunately, that’s where the experience stops for many people. Sales is all about truly understanding your clients’ needs and issues. Their experience with you should not end immediately after their signature is on paper. The way I see it, all customers want the same 13 things from you. That’s right. Regardless of the industry you’re in, or the product you sell, customers all essentially buy and remain loyal for the same core reasons. <-- Click To Tweet Stay true to all of them and you will develop a loyal and profitable customer base who will refer you to everyone they know!

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Are You Making Your First Impression Count?

You only have a few seconds to make a positive first impression on someone. Let’s face it - within moments of meeting another person we have often already determined whether or not we want to work with them. Here are, what I believe to be, extremely simple steps to creating trust upon meeting someone new: 1) You must look and act like someone who is ready to do business. ← Click to Tweet 2) Then, it’s important to behave in such a way that generates positive feelings in the other person. Doing so will get that person to like you. 3) Once they like you, your continued behaviors will determine whether or not they will trust you. When they trust you, they will often do business with you. Sounds easy, right? Apparently not.

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Garbage in, Garbage Stays

It's common for people think  "garbage in, garbage out." However, in sales the opposite is true; garbage in, garbage stays! In other words, if you keep making tragic mistakes in managing your team and your territories you will produce a garbage year. So, while it's common at the start off the year to create your annual "to do list" or goal list, you must also create a "not to do list" of  specific "garbage activities" that are hurting your sales. Here are the top 16 "garbage activities" for your 2016 "not to do list." STOP….

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Use These Sales Success Avenues

How discoverable are you to new clients and prospects? In this day and age, you need multiple avenues to expand your outreach. It’s no longer good enough to simply pick up the phone or send emails. You require a fusion of different approaches that are executed consistently to create growth in your business. <-- Click To Tweet How many of the following is your sales team regularly engaging in?

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How to Raise Your Prices Without Getting Burned

Are you considering raising your prices in 2016? Many salespeople look at raising prices with a grain of salt, a double-edged sword if you will. <-- Click To Tweet On one hand, raising prices means more earnings and greater profits. On the other hand, it could upset or scare away your current client base. Price increases are definitely worth approaching strategically. It’s true, there’s a definite and obvious upside of charging more for your products and services. But, if you lose your current clients in the process, is it doing any good? The good news is there is a way to raise your prices while still minimizing its impact on your current client base. In fact, there are three steps you can take to increase your chances of gaining all the benefits of a price increase without having to deal with the downside.

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