Stop Talking – Start Asking

In this video, we break down why the *real* secret sauce isn’t in what you say but in what you ask. Curious minds win deals!

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I was talking to a customer the other day, and he said he was excellent at sales because he had the gift of the gab, and while he’s okay at selling, he’s nowhere near as good as he could be because he doesn’t realize that it’s not about the gift of the gab.
It’s about the gift of the ask.
The best sellers are curious.
They know how to ask questions, and they know how to ask follow up questions.
They’re not afraid to ask questions like why or what’s getting in the way? Or why do you do it that way? They’re not scared to ask for additional people and information and data to be brought into the conversation.
They’re not afraid to ask for an additional meeting because they need to gather more information, and they’re not afraid to ask for the sale.
So don’t think that to be good at selling.
We have to be good talkers.
We have to be good presenters.
We have to be good with presentations.
What we have to be good at, what we have to master, is the questions that you need to ask all the way through the sales cycle.
And getting the answers to dig into even more questions to help you form the value.

Don’t forget to check out: How to Get Your Call Returned!

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