Stop. Look. Listen!

While many of you are already benefiting from our discussion on how to convert leads to customer from last week and question I have been getting is  how to deal with the “let me think it over” objection.

The trick with this objection is determining whether it’s a real objection or not. Some prospects toss out this objection because they want to get rid of you. Some prospects really do need time to think about it. How can you tell them apart? Here is a highly effective 2 step model you can use to get to the real hesitation while giving you the right information required to close the business.

1. Stop look and listen

Start by doing nothing at all. Wait patiently for 3 seconds whether on the phone or in person.

Silence creates a space between you and the objection that’s needed for the prospect to jump in and provide more information. Since most prospects are uncomfortable with the silence they tend to provide you with details of their objections within 1-2 seconds. This technique works amazingly well IF you are disciplined enough to bite your tongue for just 3 seconds. Platinum member Autumn Shirley swears that this is the most effective sales technique I have taught her in 5 years of working with me!

When the prospect does jump in, they will elaborate on the “let me think about it” objection and reveal their true concerns. Maybe they have to take your proposal to their manager. Maybe they have to wait for budget approval. Or perhaps they are waiting for a partner to present an alternative solution. Regardless of what they reveal it will be valuable information for you to know.

2. Emphasize and Ask

After you have been silent, its now time to speak up! But always in the form of a question first. To test the legitimacy of the objection start by empathizing with the prospect and follow up with a clarifying question. For example,

Prospect: “Let me think about it.”

You: Thanks for letting me know, I think it’s smart of you to consider all your options. I’m curious”

  • “what concerns so you still have? Or
  • “what’ is causing you to hesitate?” Or
  • “what is your number one concern about not proceeding further?” Or
  • “how will you make a decision to go ahead or not?

These two steps when used together allow the prospect a comfortable and open environment to open up. Helping you to determine if the objection is real, a stall tactic, or worse…just a put off!

For more ideas on how to get past this objection and get to closing more sales be sure to register for our  free call on February 25 at noon Eastern. This call will address all your lead conver4sion issues including how to get your prospect to call you back, how to get them live on the phone and how to move them from prospect to client using best practices, and tested strategies that are guaranteed to hep you close sales faster. I’ll even be showcasing a couple examples that could benefit from a lead conversion make-over and letting you kow where they could make improvements to increase sales.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,


P.S. Remember, this call is absolutely free – and it’s packed full of information that you can use right away to close more sales in less time. Register now!

2 responses to “Stop. Look. Listen!

  1. It’s unlikely that the “me” in “let me think about it” is the only “me” weighing in on the decision. Far too many “decision makers” have only been granted the decision to say “no” or to kick the can down the street a while longer. The real decision to say yes may reside at a higher level with a cadre that has a different agenda or set of priorities.

    For service and consulting areas such as mine these days there is rarely a clean do- it- or- don’t or those- guys-or- you proposition. It is a decision about how to deploy the resources available. Your project or offering may be stacked up against painting the plant. Seriously. You need to dig for more information on not just fixing “pain” but the greater aspiriations held at a higher level and how the prospect’s leaders evisions making them a reality. Do not expect to be invited in to witness this thrashing or to hand hold as some sales “systems” advise you to do. But you can monitor the process and check in at appropriate times once you have been let in on it and understand it. Only then can you “help”.

  2. Colleen,
    I love the ‘silence’ piece. Nothing gets a client to talk like giving them room to do it. Too many reps think there job is to fill the void with their own voice. You highlighted a critical skill!
    Steve Waterhouse

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