What are you doing to stay focused during these times?
Right now, it can be easy to give into the negativity of everything going on. With plenty of uncertainty that still looms over most industries, it’s easy for sellers to give in to the idea that sales are too hard to come by right now.
I know some industries, such as air travel or hospitality have been hit hardest by the pandemic, but as I’ve covered recently, there are still things every sales leader and organization can be doing to set themselves up for success as we begin to see more and more reopenings.
The other note I’ve discussed in the last month is the need to recognize the good that still exists around us.
And, I want to expand on that even further here.
For sellers who are feeling discouraged about their ability to sell right now, and thus are not making any effort at all to produce results, I would highly recommend reading articles online that talk about success right now and not failure.
That is, read up on industries and businesses that are thriving. Read up on sellers who are having their best months ever. Look up the sales teams that have never had a better quarter than what they’re experiencing right now. These sellers and teams are out there, and they’re not as few and far between as you might suspect.
Sure, some of them may be experiencing success because their industries are directly impacted in a positive way by the pandemic (it’s a great time to be a sales rep for hand sanitizers!) but others are simply continuing and increasing their prospecting and output or finding ways to pivot their businesses and offerings to continue providing value.
When you read up on sellers just like you that are succeeding, it’s easier to stay focused, stay motivated and continue creating success for yourself.