Sales Tools that Work Together in One Automated System

CRM + Email Marketing + eCommerce One “Killer App” to Grow Your Business Fast!

Are your multiple, disjointed systems causing you to leave money on the table? A few years ago at Engage, ours were.  Imagine 3 systems, 3 databases, 3 programs to mange our clients. Can you imagine the chaos, the lost files ,and the confusion? I don’t have to imagine. I lived it daily! UGH. This is no way to run a sales office, or a business. In July 2007 we found the answer with InfusionCRM the only fully integrated CRM, shopping cart and marketing tool available.

Infusionsoft’s automatic follow-up software combines CRM, email marketing & eCommerce into one, simple system, so you can effortlessly stay in touch with prospects & customers and close more sales. With Infusionsoft, you’ll always be growing your business…even when you’re out of the office, at the beach, or asleep!

We rely on Infusion for everything at Engage. Literally…it runs our office!  And now, InfusionCRM is being offered with no upfront set up fees. This is a big savings as we paid over $3000 for set up fees 2 years ago. I thought the fees were worth it then….so free makes it a no brainer! If you are not using a CRM now, OR if you are using multiple systems, and you need one  system that integrates everything – CRM, Email marketing, offline marketing campaigns, shopping cart, payment gateway, seminar registration and calendaring……check out InfusionCRM. It’s a must have and Chris Casey and I at Engage highly recommend it.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,
