Planning for next year?

I’m not sure about you, but I have always used September as the starting point to set my goals for the next year. I would encourage you to do the same. Here are some ideas on how to get started, and ensure that you hit your targets.  

1 – Guard your time because losing control of your time is the worst mistake a sales professional can make. You must jealously guard your time in order to stay productive!

2 – Set a monthly sales target, and calculate how many prospects you need to talk to each month in order to generate enough business to hit that target. Once you have those numbers set, your priority becomes making the calls. 

3 – Block time off in your calendar everyday to make calls and prospect. Don’t just make a mental note – actual block the time off physically so you and everyone else can see it clearly. 

4- In a place you can easily see everyday post your revenue goal in big, bright numbers. Staring at this number everyday will remind you what you need to do first thing every day. 

5- Stay away from the Life Suckers in your office. They are not customers, and they will not buy from you. Your customers are on the outside (or the other end of the phone). 

6 – Close your doors, hide, or work from a different office! As Dan Kennedy says: “If they can’t find you, they can’t interrupt you.” 

7 – Be on time. Show respect for other people’s time and they will eventually show respect for yours. Its reciprocity at work.

If you are waiting to get motivated before you make calls remember this: Motivation comes from action not the other way around. Most sales people wait to get motivated before they take action. You must do the opposite. Take action now! Regardless of how you feel. Simply pick up the phone and start making calls. Your activity will motivate and focus you to keep going. You will always feel better after you accomplished something profitable.

Start planning now and I know you will have the most exceptional 2010 ever!


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