Today, we're going to focus on closing. This is the most often missed part of the sales cycle and it's critical that you ask for the sale to close.
WatchToday, we're going to talk about value and specifically selling value instead of price. If I had to guess, 75% of the times that I'm in front of an audience, the salespeople say, "My clients don't care about value. They only care about price and they're just driving us down to this race of zero margins."
WatchI've had many opportunities recently to sit in during sales meetings and presentations, and I have to be honest. Awful is the really the only word that comes to mind.
WatchAre you considering raising your prices? Many salespeople look at raising prices with a grain of salt, a double-edged sword if you will. On one hand, raising prices means more earnings and greater profits. On the other hand, it could upset or scare away your current client base.
Learn MoreIf you're in sales, you know the age-old mentality towards marketing. They're often looked at as the "bad guys." They're not the enemy.
WatchIs your business experiencing wild swings in revenue? This may surprise you, but relaying too much emphasis on closing business for your sales team is actually counterproductive to increasing your revenues. What?! Let me explain.
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