Change Your Buyer’s Mindset from “If” to “How” | Sales Tips
I would like to talk to you about a proposal format that you can customize for whatever business you’re in. You can use this whether you’re in a products business, …
Word of Mouth is NO Accident
Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful tools in sales today and yet it remains deeply misunderstood and under-used. In my extensive sales training work in North America and …
Don’t Wait for Perfection | Sales Tips
In a previous video, we talked about the concept of learning by doing instead of learning through a training workshop or a facilitated training event. I was recently at an …
Break Through to a Prospect Without Stalking | Sales Tips
Last week, we talked about persistence and I walked you through a call and email plan that’s designed to get somebody on the phone. There’s one other element of persistence …
The Buyer You Are Trying to Reach is Currently Unavailable
I received a cold call today from a large consulting sales and marketing company, thought I should return it, just in case! When I dialed the number back I received …
Monsoon Sales Wisdom
Sometimes we must repeat a lesson a few times to learn it well. Running is like that for me. It teaches valuable insights I apply to my professional work, including …
The Single Most Important Sales Trait | Sales Tips
The world is run by people who follow up, and for sellers, that means being persistent. You will win more business by being persistent than anything else.
Are You Participating in Your Own Success?
I rarely do this anymore, but it was a treat spend two full days leading a (somewhat public) workshop for an exceptional group of sellers. I say “somewhat public” because …
Learning While Doing: Your Secret Weapon | Sales Tips
I’m a big fan of using your best to mentor the rest. One of the other things that I’m a huge fan of is learning by doing. So, what exactly …
Productivity: It’s Not About the Time You Find
“How do I find time so I can be more productive?” I hear that question often, but never with a satisfying answer. Why? Because you can’t find or make more …
Your Manager Doesn’t Have to be Your Coach | Sales Tips
Recently, I was pulled aside at a sales meeting by a couple of sales reps who said, “This is all great, Colleen, but my manager won’t coach us. He won’t …
Do This Before Setting Sales Goals
We are now in the second quarter of the year! Didn’t we just ring in the new year? By now, either you’re making steady progress towards your sales goals for …