Guest Post: Opportunity Lost: What Don’t Your Testimonials Say About You?

’ve seen too many websites with inspiring product offers, gorgeous video, and testimonials to the effect that “you guys really came through for us,” attributed to a “major software company.” Testimonial Director is a service that has templated the fine process of collecting testimonials efficiently and making sure they contain the appropriate information. (Their website is also a great example of testimonials done well.) In a special report (see bottom of their home page; sign-up required), the company identified “recommendations from people known” as the best tool for building consumer trust through advertising channels.

Debunking the perfect sales process myth

“How do I build the perfect sales cycle or the perfect sales process?” I’m often asked this question and my answer tends to disappoint those who are looking for quick answers to challenging problems.

There is no such thing as a perfect sales cycle, or a perfect sales process that you can either build or replicate and unleash on your entire market.

Sorry, but that’s the truth.

Making Money Monday: Grow!

As a sales professional, did you start out in your business with a “how high can I go?” question and an “opportunities for my expertise are endless” attitude? Most of us did, but where is that attitude now? Has it been replaced with the “sky is falling!” cry as you face the grim reality of all the “other” tasks we need to accomplish in order to run a successful business? While many think that this more cynical outlook is a realistic attempt to balance over the top goals with the day to day operations of our businesses, I’m not so sure it is helpful to our growth.

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