Discipline! Discipline! Discipline!
It’s the start of a new month. Your numbers are back at zero and you need to refocus on getting the job done. What does it take? The hardest of all human behaviors.
It’s the start of a new month. Your numbers are back at zero and you need to refocus on getting the job done. What does it take? The hardest of all human behaviors.
Rid yourself of sales trash. Are you selling the way you were five years ago? Chances are good your results aren’t what they once were. Find out what’s not working for you and kick that sales trash to the curb! Here are five common issues I’m seeing when coaching clients.
Shmooze over dinner or a ball game? Thank-you cards? What is the single most important thing you can do to strengthen the relationship with your customer? Take our sales quiz and find out!
Rapid change is the new normal.If you can’t make a decision and implement in 4 months. Your customers will get tired of waiting, and your competition will step in. Make a decision and move. You can always change you mind, once you have evaluated the results, and move a different direction later.
When I think about Apple, and their success, much of it can be attributed to their great service. The genius bar, appointment scheduling, roving “mobile” check outs create a retail environment like know other. People go there just to hang out see what’s new, get advice and of course buy a LOT of products
You already know you need to develop a rapport with your customer. But is there a difference between personal and professional rapport? Take the quiz and find out!