
The Latest from Colleen

The 20 Mistakes that are costing you sales

The top 10% of sales people constantly look for ways to remain at the top of their game and effectively eliminate their competition. Loosing a sale now and then can offer reminders and or specific insights into how to further improve your chances on closing your next deal. Consider every loss a lesson. Learn from each one and you will soon be in the top 1% (not merely the top 10%)

Got Implementation?

Thanks to everyone you again for attending our Race to the Finish web class series. Those that did attend have reported to me that they are already putting the strategies into practice! …

Take the Sales Quiz!

  Test your sales knowledge with this Sales Quiz. Just answer the topical sales question below and have Colleen give you her answer! Which activity is most likely to improve …

Thank you Gifts? Or Sales bribes?

If you are concerned about perceptions, learn how to test the waters. Start small – maybe just with a thank-you card. There are many gifts you can send clients at all price points, 0 – $$$. And gifts you can send in all situations; from those that readily accept gifts to government organizations who can barely accept a coffee on you. Here are my top 10 rules for making sure you don’t cross the line.