
The Latest from Colleen

Trying something new

It’s been a whirlwind November focused on many “new” activities and clients and the month is not even half over! Welcome to all the new Testimonial Director and Engage Selling clients this month. It’s been such a pleasure meeting so many new businesses, sales professionals and business owners and I am excited to be able to help you all exceed your growth targets!

Must Read: No More Cold Calling by Joanne Black

I was intrigued by Joanne’s work after reading a recent Demand Gen study that shows only 3% of sales were made via cold call and 97% of sales were made via warm calls (referrals, inbound leads, web leads, live chat etc). I started thinking… given that cold calling is becoming less effective, what can we do to ramp up other prospecting methods? As luck would have it Joanne and I met this summer at a conference, shared a glass of wine, and discussed sales. I came to discover that Joanne’s work has the answers you need to be successful in a no cold call selling environment. Read this book.

When is the right time to call?

According to the American Telemarketing Association, sellers have a 5 times better chance of reaching their prospect over the phone between 9 and 10 am their time than any other time of the day. The above statistic combined, with actual client results, do have me looking seriously at the 9-11 am time frame for business /sales funnel development activities. We have seen tremendous results with clients who commit to making sales calls for new business development during the hours of 9-11 am. Now to be fair, their success could be a result of making the calls. Period. Regardless of the time.