Unleash Your Secret Sales Force! Get Ready for Your New Release
It’s been a long time in the making but at the end of this week, we’re proud to be releasing the next update of Testimonial Director. This release is based on your feedback – ideas to make the solution easier to use and easier to manage.Here is a sample of the new features that will be coming:
Five Great Ways to Send Your Sales Skyrocketing – Part 4
#4. Engage Your Sales Math So far in this five-article series, I’ve focused on what you can do at the front-end of your sales cycle to help generate the great …
Trying something new
It’s been a whirlwind November focused on many “new” activities and clients and the month is not even half over! Welcome to all the new Testimonial Director and Engage Selling clients this month. It’s been such a pleasure meeting so many new businesses, sales professionals and business owners and I am excited to be able to help you all exceed your growth targets!
Are you getting in your own way?
As a sales coach I see a lot of undesirable and self sabotaging behaviour. Let’s face it, the majority of time I get called in to help it’s NOT because …
Five Great Ways to Send Your Sales Skyrocketing – Part 5
#5. Handle Objections Skillfully In this five-part series, I’ve shared with you a range of activities that you can engage today to help turbo-charge sales in your business—-no matter whether …
Must Read: No More Cold Calling by Joanne Black
I was intrigued by Joanne’s work after reading a recent Demand Gen study that shows only 3% of sales were made via cold call and 97% of sales were made via warm calls (referrals, inbound leads, web leads, live chat etc). I started thinking… given that cold calling is becoming less effective, what can we do to ramp up other prospecting methods? As luck would have it Joanne and I met this summer at a conference, shared a glass of wine, and discussed sales. I came to discover that Joanne’s work has the answers you need to be successful in a no cold call selling environment. Read this book.
“I didn’t call you back because I parked illegally” and other mistakes costing you sales!
Recently Chris (my business partner and husband) has been courted by a sales rep trying to sell him booth space at a trade show. This seller has tried all manner of …
Five Simple Things You Can Do Every Day to Improve Your Bottom Line
Whether you’re a business owner or part of a company’s sales team, it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse of the number-one activity that keeps your organization thriving, …
What to do when your client claims they have no money
Today let’s look at a common pricing objection. Specifically what to do when a prospects says “I have no money.”
How to build trust when your servce is free!
On last question from our Race to the Finish call series. This time from Anna: “The service I provide is free to my clients so price is never an issue. …
When is the right time to call?
According to the American Telemarketing Association, sellers have a 5 times better chance of reaching their prospect over the phone between 9 and 10 am their time than any other time of the day. The above statistic combined, with actual client results, do have me looking seriously at the 9-11 am time frame for business /sales funnel development activities. We have seen tremendous results with clients who commit to making sales calls for new business development during the hours of 9-11 am. Now to be fair, their success could be a result of making the calls. Period. Regardless of the time.
Avoid the Trap of Overselling
Overselling. The act of telling the customer they are getting more than they need. When they don’t need it. Didn’t specify it. And may not ever use it.