
The Latest from Colleen

Take control of every sales relationships by closing on every conversation

Whether you are a business owner or part of a sales team for a medium or large-sized company, your performance as a salesperson is determined by how often you successfully close sales—sealing the deal that translates goods or services into revenue. To close more business effectively, you must be the one who is controlling and directing the customer through each step of a sales process. Don’t expect the customer to know what to do next. Most people are commitment-phobic. They’re not going to make a decision until they are presented with options.

Our Six Weeks of Thanksgiving

Our team is back from Chicago and almost caught up on our sleep after a truly amazing week of sales transformations with the 50 sales professionals and business owners at the Sales Mastery event in Chicago. Those who came expected us to develop their 2011 sales plans for attracting clients, securing the business and retaining long term sales using our S.A.L.E.S. model so they could multiply their current results. Boy! Did we ever… each of them walked away with their entire sale plan and step-by-step action steps they’ll implement to get the results they thought was out of their reach, until now. (I love doing these.)

Five Great Places You Need To Be To Get Your Customers Talking about You!

Place matters—not just in a physical sense but also in where we’re perceived to be by our customers. Where we choose to be can have a significant bearing on our success in sales. That’s a view reinforced by Richard Florida, author of a series of books that look at the nature of work and urban development, including “The Rise of the Creative Class” and “Who’s Your City?” While much of what he has to say is in the context of how entire cities and regions can thrive, his insights matter just as much on an individual level, including those of us who are in sales and who run a business

Talk is Fine But Actions Sell!

The business telephone in your pocket or on your desk is still a vital part of sales—make no mistake about it. Today, however, it has tools to complement its immense power. Twenty years ago, you’d make a sales call because apart from face-to-face meetings, this was really the only way to connect with your audience and have a conversation in real-time. Now, with social networking, conversations are streamed and shared via Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Even text messaging has a role to play. It could be a text message to a customer’s cell phone. I have a client who is a key decision maker at one of the largest agricultural companies in the world. He’s also notoriously hard to reach. As a result, we do all of our negotiations about contracts via text message. My point here is this: direct communications has evolved beyond just the telephone. You can too.