
The Latest from Colleen

New Global Consulting Group Provides Dramatic and Diverse Capabilities (and includes yours truely)

A new network of outstanding global consulting practices, Summit Global Network™ (SGN), is providing outstanding results to hundreds of clients in dozens of countries. Founder Alan Weiss, PhD notes, “We’ve formed a coalition of longstanding, highly respected consulting practices with offices in over a dozen countries to bring the best practices of the entire body to bear on the individual client needs of any one member.”

Get the Power of Word-of-Mouth Working for You

Building great relationships with clients is a cornerstone of a successful career in sales. Achieving this means more than just a benefit for your customers in knowing that they can count on you for the very best in product knowledge and advice, plus after-sales support. You stand to gain as well when those satisfied customers tell their friends and colleagues about you. Referrals have a unique capability in that they have the potential to generate new clients for you without you having to seek out those clients first.

The SAC® Release: Consultants Highlight Priorities in Risk Assessment

“For virtually any business, big or small, nothing creates more anxiety than revenue risk,” says Colleen Francis, founder and president of Engage Selling Solutions (, a North American-based sales consulting company.

“Are we going to make our numbers? What is the forecast upside? Or worse, the downside? No one likes surprises at the end of a quarter or year. Luckily, steps can be taken to reduce risk in sales and accurately predict revenue flow. When a disciplined pipeline process is applied to sales, risks can be identified quickly and mitigated so that sales targets are routinely achieved. It takes a rigorous review and mitigation process, but the results will speak for themselves.”

Money Making Monday: All business is personal

It’s a timeless adage that all business is personal, and yet it is overlooked by many in business today. Go back and read what people like Zig Ziglar were teaching forty years ago. He recognized, as I do, that there is immense potential in the power of goodwill and on having a personal approach.