Making Money Monday. Make it about them: connecting emotionally
For meaningful, memorable sales, connect emotionally with people. A 2003 Gallup study found that “satisfying customers without creating an emotional connection with them has no real value. None at all.” …
Build Relationships – Not Resistance
As salespeople, we generally have between 4 and 30 seconds to make a first impression on our prospects that will compel them to want to engage with us. Unfortunately, by …
Giving Thanks
I truly believe that sales is the very best of professions. We call the shots, create our own outcomes, are solely responsible for our income level and have ultimate control to structure our lives. Apart from being a skill we can learn, being successful in sales is a true blessing.
Making Money Monday: Avoid common mistakes when asking for referrals
Referrals are powerful sales tools, but if you don’t ask for one the right way, you risk creating a stumbling block of your own making. Let’s look at common mistakes …
Building a sum even greater than its parts: Why it’s essential to create a cohesive sales team
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success.” Henry Ford, one of the great industrialists of the 20th century, said that about the importance …
Making Money Mondays: Rediscover the art of letter writing
In business today, letter writing has fallen out of fashion, but not because it’s ineffective. It’s because it requires a lot of work. Join the ranks of those who still …
Building a Winning Strategy for Selling to Large Organizations
Private coaching clients are telling us regularly how important it is for them to broaden their skills to do a better job of thinking strategically and managing large accounts. Those …
Making Money Monday: Price isn’t the problem
“Maybe our price is just too high.” I hear that often when troubleshooting sales issues for clients during my seminars and coaching sessions. My advice is always the same: price …
Ensuring sellers are engaged with their goals
I am often asked by Sales Leaders how to get their teams engaged with their sales goals. The following is how I answered this in a recent interview for the …
Making Money Mondays:Discipline! Discipline! Discipline!
Gone are the days when some salespeople could eek out a living simply by waiting for the phone to ring and taking orders. Today, only the most disciplined survive and …
Building Rapport: Style Before Substance
Over 90% of a sales dialogue is interpreted through non-verbal communication. This includes facial expressions, physiology, and body language or positioning. But, it also includes your tone of voice, and …
Sales by the Numbers: The Right Sales Process Metrics
Sales leaders are always asking me what the right KPI’s are for their team.While the “right ones” vary from company to company depending on your sales cycle I would suggest …