
The Latest from Colleen

Leveraging Sales Teams For Greater Success

Today I explain ways to create exponential sales results. These include sharing success stories, getting your teams out their publically with face to face experiences and social media. Play …

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The SAC® Release Why Are Exxon Profits Criticized But Not Apple’s Profits?

Colleen Francis, President of Engage Selling Solutions says “ The lesson for executives responsible for an organization’s top line is that you need to understand what your customers value. People line up around the block and pay a premium for Apple’s product because, more than anything, the brand delivers the promise of making you look cool. Lots of other products do what essentially the same thing but not in a way that makes their customers feel better about themselves.

“They love the Apple brand and don’t mind paying the premium that leads to huge profits. Contrasting this is Exxon whose end-customers see no compelling value in their brand, only as a commodity supplier, and would cross the street without hesitation to save a cent a gallon. With this approach, you’d better have operating cost advantages if you want to maintain and increase margins. Instead if you can, like Apple, create value differentiation from your competitors then you can generate profits through premium pricing today and in the future with your band of loyal customers.”