7 Ways You Can Boost Sales & Thrive in the New Economy, Part #2: Boost Your Risk-Busting Communications Skills
In the new economy that is emerging around all of us, one of the key shifts we’re seeing is in the area of buyer motivation. Today, from consumers to corporate …
When you erode your key differentiator what else is left?
When I think about Apple, and their success, much of it can be attributed to their great service. The genius bar, appointment scheduling, roving “mobile” check outs create a retail environment like know other. People go there just to hang out see what’s new, get advice and of course buy a LOT of products
Sales Quiz: What does business rapport mean?
You already know you need to develop a rapport with your customer. But is there a difference between personal and professional rapport? Take the quiz and find out!
Yes Virginia, there is such a thing as a stupid question
Despite what you may have been taught in the past, there IS such thing as a dumb or a stupid question in sales. I hear them all the time – both by the sales people that call me, AND while listening to the sales calls sent to me by clients. Occasionally in training workshops too. And it never ceases to amaze me that with all the great questions to chose from, why some sales people chose to alienate, disengage or confuse their prospects by setting the wrong tone with their questions
Sales Olympics: Lessons from the Games Part 5
Here is a wrap up from some of the Olympic news this weekend fro London, and what it means to you as a sales leader.
Negative Self Talk
This podcast uncovers the devastating effects of poisonous thoughts and negative self talk amongst your sales team. Making your product or service is the best by explaining the value you …
Best VORTEX ideas from the field
Last week I was on site rolling out our Retention and Growth Formula (TM) for a large sales convention. We brook the group into 8 teams and gave them an hour after the session to create their own VORTEX retention plan. Here are some of the best ideas form the presentations:
Three Girls, Two Paddles
While our canoe may not have been a picture of good team relationships, it is imperative that when you are working with clients, you develop multi-dimensional relationships. What do I mean by multi-dimensional?
Sales Olympics: Lessons from the Games Part 4
Watch both super athletes – Phelps and Bolt – in an interview and ask yourself “who would I rather spend the day with. Bolt or Phelps?” Hands down, Bolt will win every time.
The Importance of In-Person Networking
Today we discuss the importance of networking with people, face-to-face. There are four tried and true networking techniques that will help you gain referrals. Be prepared all the time, no …
7 Ways You Can Boost Sales & Thrive in the New Economy, Part #3: Obtain Testimonials from Customers
So far in this series on boosting your sales and thriving in this new economy, we’ve looked at the importance of leveraging who you know, of considering carefully what you …
Sales Quiz: is Trust Enough?
The old adage is that if the prospect likes and trusts you, you’ll get the deal. Is still true?