"Searching for Excellence" 4 tips for improving your sales team’s success
This year is now officially almost half over. Is your sales team performing at their maximum potential? In recent articles, we’ve covered a range of tips and techniques to help …
Tips to Stay Motivated
Working hard to stay positive? Then you need to minimize the effect Life Suckers have on your life.
The Power of Referrals
In order to help your team get past their fear and ego, I suggest focusing on referrals as a sales strategy. Have a referral blitz, a referral campaign or a referral contest. Motivate your team to get referrals through healthy competition, prizes and financial incentives, or just accolades for having the most referrals in the business. Make referrals an important piece of your sales plan and incentivize and reward your team to get them by ensuring that you’re rewarding them accordingly.
For All My Agricultural Clients
For all the great work you do. We love you!
Sales Quiz: The Power of Referals
Referrals are one of the most powerful tools to generate sales. So why do sales reps not use them more often. Take the quiz and find out!
Smoke What You’re Selling
Passion is crucial to sales. Are you choosing to love what you do? Learn how you can be limiting your sales and profits by not having enough passion for what …
"While You See a Chance, Take It!" – Opportunities and How to Create Them for Yourself
One of the biggest difficulties I have with recessions is that the bad news it generates tends to become like junk food: we know it’s bad for us and yet …
What I am thankful for….
Thanksgiving has me thinking about all that I am thankful for:
Are you Falling in the Sales Trap?
Have you ever worked hard to close opportunities and then, after you’ve finally inked the deals, you realize that your pipeline is dangerously empty? This is that trap – we work hard on one part of our pipeline and other parts suffer.
Sales Quiz – The Perils of the Player Coach
Startups face unique challenges when establishing sales teams and building a pipeline of consistent results. One common approach is to use a “player-coach” sales manager. Is that good or bad? Take the quiz and find out!
Quote of Day
Quote of Day