
The Latest from Colleen

Lululemon Debacle Overblown

The news is in frenzy about the Lululemon “transparency issue” affecting 17% of its yoga pants. And I think the story is overblown. There is no way this mistake is the end of the company, and I don’t believe that the GAP or any other retailer will successfully be able to take over a significant share of Lululemon’s market.

Rewarding Your Best Customers

Instead of offering rewards and incentives to new customers, why not reward your loyal customers? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Top Predictions for This Year

 What’s new for 2013? Here are my predictions for how successful companies will succeed in attracting, retaining and leveraging their customers. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Research That Will Affect Your Sales

Today I weigh in on some interesting statistics from real world sales situations that you can profit from… if you leverage the information correctly. Play in new window | …

Trust Me I Have Tried it All

Often, sales people say they have tried it all. Really? I don’t buy it. If you want your situation to change you must change first. Play in new window …

First Impressions: Bogota

Within 1 hour of landing I had already decided to come back to Bogota with Chris when we have time to spend a few days in the city. It’s clean, easy to get around the people are amazing and the food spectacular. All this from a first impression.