Inevitably, someone in that conversation raises their hand and says, “You know Colleen, people buy from people.” The person who usually says this is someone that has been in sales for a long time and doesn’t really like the way the conversation is going. I always say, “You’re right. People buy from people and always will. However, the way they view people in the sales process has changed.”
I want you to think about the last anonymous purchase you made. For me, it was some cables on Amazon, but before I bought those cables, I made sure to pick a seller that other people had rated highly. I also looked at the reviews that other people had shared with that supplier, and what other people had bought when they purchased those cables. I ended up buying a selfie light, a tripod and a few other things for my Facebook Live videos.
[bctt tweet=”We’re using and buying from people, even in anonymous transactional selling. ” username=”EngageColleen”]
This means that in a B2B environment, you’re not just using the person-to-person interaction that you’ve always been good at to your advantage, but also using a broad range of people from around your community to influence the sales cycle. That means using social media, building communities online on LinkedIn, and using testimonials, referrals, and case studies on your website.
That way, you can put more people into your sales process and ensure people are buying from you.
P.S. Are you a speaker, trainer, consultant or small business owner? Don’t miss my upcoming limited-attendance event on creating never-ending value client relationships, presented along with Alan Weiss in Miami Beach! Learn more at: