More on Assumptions

Honest, effective communication hinges on being able to make a distinction between what we know and what we think we know, and to apply this to our professional and personal interactions with clients, friends, colleagues and associates. This is a concept that was articulated at length by Dr. Brad Blanton in his book, Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Live in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends. He describes this distinction along the lines of what is noticed and what is imagined.

To explain this important distinction, let

One response to “More on Assumptions

  1. Hello Colleen,

    I came across your site and was pleasantly surprised that you are based in Ottawa. Just reading a few of your past sales articles alone has inspired me to be better focused on my sales goals in 2008. I am definitely going to do my best to register for the May 7th and 8th event.

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