Make no mistake about it. Right now, you must be micromanaging your metrics.
Micromanaging has been given a bad rap. Sure, checking in with your team every 10 minutes asking if they’ve hit their quota for the day is overkill, but being specific and clear over details and not leaving things open to assumption or chance is a good quality for sales leaders to possess. It’s about knowing the right balance.
But, let’s focus on your metrics for a moment.
When times are tough or uncertain, like they are right now for many businesses and industries, it can be easy to “shy away” or keep a blind eye on important metrics that are critical to success.
Some leaders and sales reps are so certain their numbers are down, they’d rather not even get clear on exactly what those numbers are out of fear or intimidation.
I get it, opening a spreadsheet or dashboard that you know is going to give you numbers that don’t look good isn’t exactly a fun experience. But, what I don’t get is pretending the problem doesn’t exist in attempt to avoid facing it.
In order to be successful, you must have a solid grasp on your numbers. You must be able to do the math and know specifically which actions need to be taken to hit your targets.
Specifically, for us as salespeople, that means tracking three key metrics daily:
1. Your sales velocity
2. Your gap to goal or your pipeline size
3. The number of calls, connects, and opportunities that are created
If you track those on a daily basis, you’ll spot trends. You’ll also know exactly where you stand, how far away you are from your goal, and what you’ll need to do in order to get there.
Now is the time to micromanage your numbers and be crystal clear on the actions you need to take.
Don’t shy away from this!